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Artistic Bio


Graduated in Theatre by the University of Évora, Portugal. 

Worked as an actress/performer and as an assistant to the director in her homeland, mainly in theatre plays. The exploration of mask-based theatre techniques with professionals as Nuno Pino Custódio, Jonh Mowat and Rui M. Silva was quite influential in her work. These techniques are based on movement, improvisation and the expressivity of body language. 


In Amsterdam, worked in cinema (short-movies) with the directors Miguel Teixeira ("Bite me tender"), Alessandro Pontillo ("History of Ladies") and Erwin Smit ("Obscura"). Her last role was in Fernanda do Lago's "Te dedico", shot in Lisbon, and she performed in the Lyshav's "Lev" video clip, directed by Lavinia Del Croce. She occasionally works for advertisement too ("Rituals", "Moving Zebra"). 


Ana is also performing at De Olofspoort's 'Lied and Klassiek nights' in the heart of Amsterdam. She sings mostly Dutch and Portuguese traditional music but some classical repertoire as well. 


Currently interested in naturalism, improvisation and performance. Particularly suitable for demanding and physical expressive roles. 


Ana attended a Journalism Course in Cenjor, Lisbon (2010) which proved to be very useful on improving writing skills. She won two online writing-contests and has been working on short-movies scripts. Wants to continue writing short and longer stories, fiction or non-fiction, blog posts, tales, chronicles, scripts, romances or footnotes. 

"AmsterDive" ( is the blog in which she shapes her love for Amsterdam. She focuses in arts & culture, and writes cultural agendas for the city she calls home. She also collaborates with the newspaper Het Hart van de Stad ('The Heart of the City'), in their culture section. 

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